Jane Boyle
Colon Hydrotherapist & CEO
Colon Hydrotherapist & CEO
Jane is South Africas Ambassador for RICTAT (Register of Integrative Colon therapists And Trainers) Jane is certified with RICTAT as a therapist as well as Trainer of Integrative Colon Therapists. Jane spent a year in London furthering her studies at probably the best colon hydrotherapy school "The Chi Centre" in Maidenhead Berkshire UK. Jane studied with the internationally renowned author of the book "Taking Care Of Number Two" colon hydrotherapist and educator Galina Imrie. Galina Imrie is also the writer of educational materials used by Colon Care™ Training School for Colon Hydrotherapists.
RSA Ambassador for RICTAT
Founding Member of RICTAT SA
Advanced Certification with I-ACT
RICTAT is a dynamic organization for integrative colon therapists. Jane runs a School of Colon Hydrotherapy in Kloof, Durban, KZN, South Africa. Graduates can be certified with RICTAT UK based.
Jane's goal is to see other South African Colon Hydrotherapists join this recognized international regulatory body for colon hydrotherapy and thereby conform to recognized international industry standards in South Africa.